Your Life Review - Declutter Your SpiritQuantum physics tells us that all time is happening NOW.

There are many mysteries about what happens when we die, so instead of being fearful of the unknown, I believe that we can prepare for a loving and beautiful reunion.

When you are planning a trip to an unknown destination, you fantasize and dream about the adventures that you wish to experience. You may even print off brochures of all the cities and ports of call so that your senses are enlivened.

If you had a brochure describing the Heaven that is waiting to welcome you, what might it evoke within you?

If fear comes up – you can be calm and examine it like a trip advisor for an unknown destination.

Check and see what is in your etheric suitcases.

Don’t over pack and bring unwanted stuff that has no use for the enjoyment you wish to experience.

Maybe you discover old resentments that are decades old. This heavy cargo carries a temporary cost that can be cleared up and transformed into a higher frequency of Love and Forgiveness.

You can De-Clutter your Spirit and prepare yourself for your Soul’s Life Review.

Think about your happiest moments and know that you will see – feel – and experience all of the wondrous magical things you created when you had a physical earth lifetime.

The beauty of doing your inner work is that you do not need to have a near death experience to change your life for the better.

Many NDE experiencers decide to come back into their bodies and complete their Soul’s adventure. Often they return as a more conscious and loving sensitive person.

You can decide what you wish to bring with you … and what you want to discard and leave behind.

We are all going to be reunited with our Soul family one day, so while we are here we can prepare for it now.

You can start the de-cluttering and unpack the baggage Now!

There are treasures waiting to be revealed …

The gifts are waiting under hard wired stubborn dense patterns.

The intelligent Universe is always matching and mirroring what we store in our cellular memories and energy field. It is designed to activate dense obsolete values that may have been dumped in our innocent laps in the first 7 years of life.

It can be a self discovery that leads to a whole new paradigm with fresh knowings and expansions of consciousness.

I believe that this is why our Soul chooses each incarnation.

It’s not easy, but it is doable to de-clutter the filters and beliefs that used to keep you safe.

If you are ready, I can help you to unpack those raggedy suitcases. We can pop the rusty clasps and reveal those old limiting beliefs and update your programmed responses using your truth as medicine.

Let me know if you are ready … click here to schedule a free zoom call with Dana.