Since everything is and has energy, then so do our thoughts. Our thoughts form a type of matter that really matters. Especially when we habituate the same thoughts over and over. Those thoughts gain weight and matters change on a bigger scale.
Think about eating cupcakes everyday … you will gain extra weight. It is the same thing with our thoughts. Our Thoughts, Beliefs and Feelings can weigh us down; and if we aren’t updating and releasing the old burdens, but instead sustaining our daily energies through them, we will see the after-effects in our Money Story as well as our health and happiness in relationships.
When we breathed our first breath at birth, our soul’s wisdom already knew what we came here to experience and learn.
We are here to learn to love ourselves through all the adversities of our conscious and unconscious creations. When we become aware of the ‘matter’ that is bothering us, we are essentially touching a heavier denser compartment of thoughts, stories and beliefs about ourselves and the world.
The intelligence of our soul is directing us on our journey to have a grounded presence with our own personal energy field and thus take inventory on what we need to let go of.
When we get stuck in the ‘matter’ of what is the matter, we can make the mistake of thinking that We are the matter. This makes it challenging for us to fully know our truth. The matter ~ or heavy thinking ~ is a catalyst for us to finally know that it isn’t our truth — it is actually keeping us from our truth.
The divine plan is constantly unfolding in a way to seek the conflicting denser thoughts that are clashing with our essence. My friend and colleague Dawn Clark calls these denser thoughts “thought viruses”. When we heal these thought viruses that have patterned our journey, we operate through a higher vibration.
Every time someone who loves you asks you “what’s the matter?”, they are noticing a thought virus that got exposed. We stuff our matter down and don’t want to feel it. The trick is to look our matter in the eye and find our truth under the con.
You see, “the matter” is conning us into thinking that it is a part of us. It is dressed up in a costume and posing as an authentic part of us. Usually the matter was created from an unconscious part and then it got reproduced through other thought viruses. It might feel like a never-ending battle of managing the new anxieties that pop up seemingly on their own.
When shame and resentment come up we don’t like the feeling, so we go into a fear-based awareness and say that nothing is the matter. Denying the matter and stuffing it down slows down our evolutionary path to consciousness and healing and keeps us blind to all the ways that we do this to ourselves on the inside.
Many of us were raised to be people pleasers, and this taught us habitual unconsciousness. The best way to retrain ourselves to clear these matters and release them is to have awareness of this moment and keep the learnings from what the denser energy might have taught us.
On my upcoming Free 90 minute Clarity Call I will discuss how your personal ‘Matters” are affecting your money. It is helpful to identify what is the matter that needs to be changed.
Stay tuned for this Matter of Fact Clarity call that will bring you into a deeper knowing of why you may feel stuck, unhappy, unloved by your money story. I will teach you how your money story is a reflection of the denser energies that are viral in your energy field and how to clear them out.