Changing your outer world so that you feel more content on the inside, is impossible.

This would be like you trying to exfoliate a back-lit shadow of yourself that is cast upon the wall before you.

You can scrub the wall until the paint thins, but you will not affect the shadow that your figure casts with the help of the light behind you.

Instead, use that same light source and allow it to cast its’ attention on what is undigestible in your own operating system.

Your operating system is unique and individual…  just for you.

 It sorts and  reflects through experience.

When it finds stories that need to be updated, it will rinse and repeat in order to wake us up to our own power to choose Truth instead of limiting beliefs.

Some of us were taught to be unconditionally loyal to what the adults presented in the family of origin, wether it is positive or negative programming.

Today, it is now possible to release the old files that do not reflect your present truth.

Energy Psychology & Energy Medicine does exactly that! 

 It seeks out the truth within and exposes the path of ease & flow when one is truly ready to shift the old story with a new presence of mind through choice and follow through.

We are now in the eye of the storm of change.

 We can do more by pausing … in between duality – fear and fixing or negotiating with the storm.

That is the old way that we were taught.

 Instead of focussing on fear and planning all the ways to avoid it, there is another way …

Be You in this moment of Truth with yourself. 

Stay off the bandwagon of angry frustrated mobs and manipulations of the truth. These are all shadows of the past pleading to be witnessed and seen for what it is.

You hold the Power!

Imagine holding clear boundaries for Truth To Live Here.

The act of creating flow starts with TRUTH. 

You can make an intention right Now to enliven your codes of Truth.

Ask that your inner light shows you what is Not truth. Your adult self can interview this part. Find out what the shadow story knows about itself as it was abandoned and became disconnected in fear. 

You may be surprised at the stories that are running wild deep within.

If you are struggling and want a hand, I am here for you. I’d Love to meet with you and be a voice of calm in the storm. We can meet on zoom and you can share with me and tell me what’s going on. An understanding witness and a kind heart  costs me nothing. Book in a Free 20 minute call with Dana here.