Everything that happens in my day is a potential catalyst to show me … myself!
Often when we get triggered we want to blame the outside world for the trigger, whether it is a person or a seemingly random situation. The other move we will do is attempt to ‘fix’ the thing that triggered us so that it won’t happen again.
I have been practicing witnessing my own response to triggers lately and it is really giving me some great insights that I want to share with you.
When I allow my triggers to be of service to me I can eventually retrain myself to a point where I will no longer be calling that lesson to me…
But, If I am busy deflecting and blaming and fixing I will get stuck in a wrestling match of negative energies.
When I go underneath the scrambled energy… I will find a new awareness.
I want to share a quick story with you about a client of mine…
Charlotte (not her real name) was practicing with this new awareness just last week. She and her son worked outside all day on repairs and spring gardening chores. At the end of a long productive day, her son was exhausted and said that he was done for the day … Charlotte instantly got very angry because she had one more job that she wanted completed. She felt very let down and abandoned because it couldn’t get completed that day. They started to yell at each other and it blew up into a big argument. He told her that she wasn’t listening to him and then he left abruptly slamming the door.
Charlotte felt that familiar pain of her habitual story. Once again she felt let down and unsupported and alone with all these old feelings. Something amazing happened next… She realized that her triggered state showed her how engrained this old story was for her and that she hadn’t been listening to what her son was telling her.
The cool part of this story is that as soon as she let herself feel the pain it automatically shifted and released and she could recognize her part in all of the drama.
Within moments she was able to take responsibility and see what she had created through believing a very old story.
How often do you abandon the learning and go for the trigger?
I want to help you to get TRIGGER HAPPY in a new way!
Remember… triggers lead us back home to ourselves.