In the spirit of Halloween and the costumes that we choose to dress up in, I want to tell you a personal story from my own life.

Maybe my story will twig something for you about the costume that you are drawn to wear this Halloween or previous years.

When you look under the material of your costume of choice … is there a persona in the shadows that needs to take to the stage and act out an unexpressed sparkle of itself? 

When I was old enough to create my own Halloween costume, I would always dress up as the same character every year. I also knew that there was a deep reason why I chose this. 

When I was about 6 yrs old, my Mother told me a story that I am sure she didn’t think I would believe, but I did. She told me that I was adopted and that she got me from the Gypsies that travelled through our small town every Spring.

So, when I was old enough to create my own costume, guess what I would dress up as? Yes, you guessed it! A Gypsy … with wild clothing and big earrings AND extra special super powers.

I wonder if my Mother’s adoption story was somehow preparing me for the Spiritual Psychic Healing Work that I get to do today?

Maybe I would have resisted my Soul’s Mission and Sacred Work if I had felt like I was in the right tribe?

I do know that Halloween had a healing effect on me, albeit in a very outside of the box way. 

Is there a persona inside You that needs to dress up this Halloween? If so, please be as wild as you need to be and let your Gypsy Spirit or Archetype come out and play. 

Happy Halloween!

ps ~ meet me on my Facebook page and share with me, your Halloween Story!