You must make those changes on the inside first. Once you change the familiar pattern that is attached to an unhealed wound, as well as the  belief, then the Universe steps in to match the shift in your outer world. (This is where the magic comes in.)

On the other hand, if you work harder & harder to change your outer world, you are still co-creating through the old filter that is being hosted on the inside. Your new creations will always mirror what is not your truth.

It might even feel selfish to make those changes at first, especially if you were taught to be ashamed and guilty if you put yourself first.

Please know that the ‘pattern or theme’ is loyal to the script that you are running on the inside.

If you grew up watching your parents worry about money and fight endlessly about how hard life is, then this pattern around fear with money issues will want to animate itself so that you can Feel It and then Heal It.

Sit with this quote from St Francis, “What we are looking for is what is looking looking for us.”

If I am looking for financial freedom, and have a lifetime of fear around the family’s money story, then at some point I will animate those wounds into a crisis and be forced to look at the family of origin’s money story.

It could also be about any story: relationships story, health story, confidence and worthiness story, you can fill in that blank. 

Please email me and let me know what you want help with. What is your ‘theme’ or family script that you grew up with and is being animated now? I will create a training for you so you can start to stop it.
ps ~ naming it doesn’t make it bigger. Not naming it does.

Go ahead and email me HERE so I can create a special training for your ‘theme.’