Get ready for a new way to look at your excuses and allow them to lead you to the core issue that needs attention from YOU.
Yes, you can use your excuses to heal the old familiar patterns that hold you back.
Your excuses are a brilliant smoke screen to protect the core wound that lives in the shadows.
If you have a great relationship with your excuses … the core wound is ALIVE and WELL even if you think otherwise.

You can have a Do-Over and Re-Program those old beliefs!
OK… January 2017 is history
and so are many of your New Years Resolutions.
I want to show you how to use your excuses to heal the old wounds that are held in
the shadows … in captivity where they have been safe and comfy.
Definition of captivity; imprisonment or hostage, the state of being confined to a space from which it is difficult or impossible to escape.
Have you ever felt like this? If you have a problem with completing projects or starting up a project, February is the perfect time to change this!
Your adult self and your counsel of orphaned parts hold the keys to unlock that crippling excuse department.
Let’s You & Me have a gentle ‘sit down’ with those compelling excuses.
I want to hear from you. I will answer each email personally because I want this to be your best year yet. Email me at or hit reply to this and let me know where you get stopped in your own tracks.
I will tailor a FREE TRAINING for you based on the emails that come in.